Were there a force, capable, of changing this changeful world –
For the good
Reversing this concerning descent into madness and negativity
Tell me – would that agent of change… would it be Love
Oh, I know, it’s a heavily burdened word, Love
So many associations. So many expectations. Running the gambit from dark memory to sheer whimsy.
Clear all that, shall we
Shall we redefine it – Love – as simply:
Intelligence and compassion applied fanatically
Then, can that drive all action
Let me know
If so, I’d say, you’re loving your whole world
And is that, perfection.
– James Zealous, Love Poem
Shakespeare on thought:
“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.”
Moment of Gratitude
I’m grateful everyday for the opportunity to sit and just be.
What are you grateful for today?
Happy Monday,